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Be Different

Let's talk about being different. Have you ever been alienated because of being different or thinking different?Have you ever faced with problems?Have you ever been upset because of having  different features  or opinions?

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Being different means  not compling with the standards. For example , being out of the molds.A human can not be made in a mold. Go out of the majority. This opinion can be scary but I am sure it will be best thing have you ever felt.

First of all, I will handle the subject technically as a mechanical engineer.I will refer to  natural laws. I am sure you saw a flow water. Do you know how the water flows? If there is pressure difference ,water can flow.If you want a flow ,you should make pressure differences between begining and the  end.

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Let's talk about heat. Have you ever heard about heat transfer ? Most of you do not know I think but it is happening all the time in all places. Your home,your hand,your hamburger...There is a rule  for heat transfer ,it calls '' temperature differences'' . If you want heat transfer between two things, these two things should have different temperatures. I think for heating our heart we need to be different.

For acceleration ,we should have different velocities between two different points. If we want to progress, our location  should not be same.

While nature focuses on differences to realize itself, are we out of nature? Why are  we afraid of being different?

Let's handle the subject artistic. İs your favorite author/poet same other authors/poets ? Would you like s/he without being different? When you hear a composition if you think it is Beethoven ,it is his difference.Being with everyone is valuable. God created us with in different shapes,in different colour. Everyone is unique. Eyes are different,Colour of hair is different ....Finger prints are different. In art, artists who leave behind finger prints in history were different .Salvador Dali, Mozart ,İhsan Oktay Anar...The common features of succesful people is that they are different. Other one is working hard of course.

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Because of all these , people need to change. First do not scare being different,second do not scare changing. The only thing that does not change is changing.
There are some types of alteration. One of them is coming from inside It is helpful becuse  we want it.Other one is coming from other people thought. I think it is not useful because it contains pressure.
Best one is to know oneself and change after. All of us should discover ourself. We should realize our faults ,our features and our talents. It is benefical for us.

When you feel minority yourself  because of your features or your opinion , please do not be afraid of it. People do not have to be suitable to the norms. Do not be afraid the things that you think they are  good and beautiful just because of their differences.  Could Martin Luther King  say that I had a dream if he was not different? Or Gandhi ? They could time challange with their differences.We can drink a cup of coffee with Dostoyevski thanks to his differences.

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First of all ; find out yourself . I know it is limitless thing and it will not finish but you have to start for you. Self actualizing is eternal trip.

Second; Do not be afraid of being different. Say to people frequetly  '' I dont care'' and '' It is non of  your business'' Do not scare to change.

Third; Focus that you want to do. Do not try to satisfy other people. Let me tell you a secret  '' people never satisfy ''.

Fourth; Read more,experience more,travel more, see different people,respect other people.

Being different is valuable. In the beginning ,all of us were peerless. Keep it  until you dead .

If we are black , we need  white as a best friend.  We should not exclude other people who are different from us. Embrace  all the people. I accept it is hard but  fantastic.

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And I know people will blast away you because of being different. Do not care I think they will envy you.  Resist.

Good Bye

Change alone is eternal,perpetual and immortal.


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