I think , death is most important subject in our life but catching on death is hard for people.People avoid talking about death and they try to forget it. When somebody talk about death ,other people become silent . Even though people forget death, death does not forget people. Nowadays , I am reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.In the begining of book , something happened '' Planet Eart must be destroyed in order to make a road. Before a few time this operation, just one who has name ''Ford'' knew that the World would be destroyed.He would not care everything. (Everything means everything). In that moment, Arthur ,Ford's friend, was trying to save his house.Ford said to his friend ''Calm down ,Let it go and Let's drink some beer''. After they went a bar and drunk some beer. In bar, Ford was trying to tell his friend that his house was not important and world would be destroyed. Ford was trying to emphasize that anything was important. For a while ,I am like Ford .I think if there is death in the world , what can be important? Because there is an inevitable end. When this end come ,there will be nothing left in this world. I have to say that it is not ''Let it go , We will die ,Do not care anything''.There is a border which is tiny and vital . We should order our priorities. Working hole life for purchasing a house means wasting life for a blank. When world destroyed , I think this house could not survive.
I decided to write this writing after a funeral service. I think we should go cemeteries and join funeral services. Last summer, I was trying to learn driving car and I was going to cemetery in our village. Then I parked near to cemetery , I could realize silence and peace. When I was a kid ,I was afraid of cemeteries. Day by day ...Year by year... It became my favourite place. Anybody who lie down in this place can hurt you. It has a good atmosphere in order to think. The only living creature that knows s/he is going to die, and I think remembering that (s/he is going to die) is related to being human. I will give a recommendation . Sometimes you should go to cemeteries ,stay there and think in silence. It reminds you that you are human and you are going to die one day ,so you can rearrange your priorities and your thought.
I did not face with too much death,I accept it. I do not know how people can behave when somebody die. I am a emotional person. I can not console people who has lost. I joined a lot of cemeteries . My relatives,my friends,my neighbors... I chose not to talk . I just hugged and cried. I just stayed there and tried to understand them . It is about style. That is my style .
I said before ''The only living creature that knows s/he is going to die'' .People just know that they are goig to die. Because of this thing , people want to stay in time. People want to left something in the Earth. People want to be remembered. They do not want to dissappear. People want to say '' I lived for a while, do not forget me''.For instance ,Sartre was thinking like that. He wanted to be remembered ,be read... He wanted to be understood and be told. Actually , all of us want to it. We want to people to come our grave when we die. We want that our children keep our pictures. We want to exist . This is universal thing. All people has this common point. If we want to stay this time ,we should produce something, raise people like a plant. For example,we can reduce our plastics consumption for World or raise o child who has morals and has good quality behaviour...etc. If we make it like these things, we can live in this planet after we die. If we want to live tomorrows, we should produce something which can left tomorrows. This is my second reccomendation.Think. Produce .Live after you die.
Death is darkness or light. I do not know. Nobody knows . I do not have experince about it .Unfortunately , nobody has such an experience. :) We can know just limited informations about death. Humans are afraid of unknown things. I think we are afraid of death because of limited informations. When a person start to talk about death , we want to escape. Let the meaning of death add meaning to our lives. We should deal with death. I want to finish my writing with a poem which is written by Yahya Kemal Beyatlı . Good bye.

I decided to write this writing after a funeral service. I think we should go cemeteries and join funeral services. Last summer, I was trying to learn driving car and I was going to cemetery in our village. Then I parked near to cemetery , I could realize silence and peace. When I was a kid ,I was afraid of cemeteries. Day by day ...Year by year... It became my favourite place. Anybody who lie down in this place can hurt you. It has a good atmosphere in order to think. The only living creature that knows s/he is going to die, and I think remembering that (s/he is going to die) is related to being human. I will give a recommendation . Sometimes you should go to cemeteries ,stay there and think in silence. It reminds you that you are human and you are going to die one day ,so you can rearrange your priorities and your thought.
I did not face with too much death,I accept it. I do not know how people can behave when somebody die. I am a emotional person. I can not console people who has lost. I joined a lot of cemeteries . My relatives,my friends,my neighbors... I chose not to talk . I just hugged and cried. I just stayed there and tried to understand them . It is about style. That is my style .

I said before ''The only living creature that knows s/he is going to die'' .People just know that they are goig to die. Because of this thing , people want to stay in time. People want to left something in the Earth. People want to be remembered. They do not want to dissappear. People want to say '' I lived for a while, do not forget me''.For instance ,Sartre was thinking like that. He wanted to be remembered ,be read... He wanted to be understood and be told. Actually , all of us want to it. We want to people to come our grave when we die. We want that our children keep our pictures. We want to exist . This is universal thing. All people has this common point. If we want to stay this time ,we should produce something, raise people like a plant. For example,we can reduce our plastics consumption for World or raise o child who has morals and has good quality behaviour...etc. If we make it like these things, we can live in this planet after we die. If we want to live tomorrows, we should produce something which can left tomorrows. This is my second reccomendation.Think. Produce .Live after you die.

Death is darkness or light. I do not know. Nobody knows . I do not have experince about it .Unfortunately , nobody has such an experience. :) We can know just limited informations about death. Humans are afraid of unknown things. I think we are afraid of death because of limited informations. When a person start to talk about death , we want to escape. Let the meaning of death add meaning to our lives. We should deal with death. I want to finish my writing with a poem which is written by Yahya Kemal Beyatlı . Good bye.
If it is the day to sail away from the time,
A ship to the unknown hails from this port.
She advances quietly as if she has no passenger at all;
Neither a rag nor an arm waves in that hail.
People in the dock are woeful of this voyage,
They look at the black horizon for days with moist eyes.
Wretched hearts! This is neither the last ship sailing away!
Nor the last sorrow of this sorrowful life!
In the world, the loved and the lover wait in vain;
For they do not know that gone lovers shall never return.
Each of the many departers are happy from their place,
Many years have passed; nobody returned from the journey.
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